20 Dec

Phuket, Thailand's largest island, is a popular tourist destination for visitors from all over the globe. Phuket ought to be your holiday destination of choice if you want to see beautiful sights, participate in exciting activities, and relax on pristine beaches. Here is a handbook that will assist you in deciphering the many modes of transportation available on the lovely tropical island of Phuket. 

Image by cancelvfr from Pixabay 

Local buses

Local buses link the town of Phuket with the beach resorts in the surrounding area. The buses in this area are dependable and inexpensive, although a little sluggish. As they make a few stops, you must be certain that you get off at the correct station before continuing. Buses run often throughout the day, and you may catch one as early as the morning and even in the late evenings. Furthermore, the local buses typically leave from the main bus station here or the Talad Sod Satarana Market, depending on the route. If you find yourself unable to deal with the heat and humidity, you can always take advantage of the air-conditioning facilities that are available. 


This is a popular mode of transportation in Thailand. These are improvised vehicles that are used to carry passengers. You may sit on wooden seats that are arranged in rows. There are no marked stops, so you should wait on the sides of the road and inquire before proceeding. This mode of transportation doesn't really link the beach resorts as well as local buses, so you may need to connect from town. The beaches are also readily accessible from the town. If you are looking for beachfront Phuket resorts, you can check out properties like Avani+ Mai Khao Phuket Suites & Villas.


You must ride in a tuk-tuk for the ultimate Southeast Asian experience. These are readily accessible and can be easily identified. However, when compared to local buses or songthaews, this is a little more costly, but it allows you to travel on a more flexible timetable. Always take one with a metre; or else, you will undoubtedly be overcharged. If they don't have one, haggle a fair deal before getting aboard. You may also take a tuk-tuk tour of the island at your convenience. It is among the most thrilling ways to see Phuket!


Taxis are another kind of transportation that provides flexibility. Get into meter-operated cabs, much like tuk-tuks. You would not need to pay too much. Taxis in Phuket seem to be either red or yellow in colour, with a big sign indicating that it is a cab. After you've flagged them down and checked whether there is a metre, get aboard. Taxis are readily available to travel about the island and visit all of the famous sites. You may check out the set rates for city tours. Simply ensure that it delivers you to the locations you wish to see. 

Motorbike taxis

If vehicle taxis are out of your price range, a motorcycle taxi is an option. What better way to take in the tropical landscape and air than from the rear seat of a motorcycle? They are economical for shorter trips and are excellent for single travellers. A motorcycle taxi is readily identifiable since the drivers typically wear brightly coloured vests. Near intersections, beaches, and major tourist sites, you may flag one down easily. Besides, tourists love to rent out a bicycle or a scooter to explore Phuket. It's one of the most favourite activities here, which you must try not to miss out on too! Some of the epic places of Phuket can only be accessed by a two-wheeler!

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