14 Feb

Most people's first impressions of Oman are of golden deserts, tall high-rises, upscale malls, and ancient historical sites. However, beneath the glitz and sophistication of this country is a rich, varied ecosystem full of wildlife and natural wonders that are just waiting for daring tourists to explore. Read on to find information about some of the most popular wildlife species in the region and their natural habitat.

National animal 

Like many countries, Oman too has its own national bird and animal. The Arabian Oryx which is also known as the White Oryx is considered as the country’s national animal. This animal is frequently found in surrounding countries as well so it is the national animal of several neighbouring nations. This creature has adapted well to the harsh existence of desert life and possesses long, ringed horns ranging from 60 to 150 centimetres. The dazzling white coat of the Oryx is used to reflect sunlight. Some other outward features comprise brown-hued legs and undersides, black stripes on the forehead and nose, running down to the area where they meet the neck. Since it resembles the elegant version of the antelope, it is an inspiration to many Arabic poets. 

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Most popular wildlife species 

One of the most exciting things to do in Oman is to explore its wildlife and natural wonders. The country has its own distinctive wildlife and plant species which make interesting topics to cater to travellers. Some of the most frequently found wildlife species include Arabian Oryx, striped hyena, Arabian leopard, Nubian ibex and green sea turtles. You also get dolphins frequenting the coastal waters around the country from October to May. Bird species found here are Peregrine falcons, golden eagles, osprey, and house sparrows. 
One of the most deadly animals found in Oman is the Carpet Viper. This snake type is recognised as one of the top ten most dangerous snakes on Earth. Other deadly snakes which exist in the country are the Puff adder, Horned viper and cobra.  

Where to locate wildlife experiences 

Oman houses a range of nature reserves and sites which boast of enthralling landscapes. These wildlife resources of the Sultanate have been meticulously safeguarded and conserved. Given that 82% of the nation is desert; only places with a consistent supply of water can sustain sizable wildlife populations. One place you should wander to catch some stunning views is the Al Jabal Al Akhdar Sanctuary. Jebel Akhdar, a mountain range renowned for its scenic beauty, is part of the Al Hajar Mountains, where properties like Anantara Al Jabal Al Akhdar are situated. This location comprises terraced orchards and river valleys which are worth exploring. The area also has some of the oldest trees on Earth. The olive and juniper trees there are around 3,000 years old. If you venture there between the latter parts of April and May you will also be able to feast your eyes on some beautiful roses. Visitors will also be treated to some rare wildlife experiences like glimpses of foxes and the Nubian ibex. Many bird species frequent this part of the country. You will be able to spot birds like the Egyptian eagle, falcon and Arabian partridge.  

Endangered species 

The two most well-known endangered species in Oman are the Arabian leopard and the Arabian Oryx. Though you might be able to see Arabian Grey wolves, they too are fast becoming extinct. Over the years, many species have suffered such severe degradation that hunting wildlife to any degree is forbidden in Oman. The existence of many aquatic animals is also threatened at present. This is why Oman works so hard to preserve the sea turtle spawning grounds that are located along its coastline.

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